Specific tips for SoMe marketing

Specific tips for SoMe marketing

Social media has become an important channel when you want to communicate with your current and future customers. We have collected a number of specific tips that can make your presence more professional and interesting.


First and foremost: When you’re on social media, remember that social media is just that – social. It is 90% communication and 10% sales.

The task is to create content that your followers find entertaining, informative and interesting. If you can do that, you will get loyal followers who will buy from you and recommend you to others.

And then: You will need to be patient.

Relationships (ambassadors) are not created in one morning. Your followers (customers) need to be influenced many times before they react – and they only react if they have a need they think you can meet.


Create a stop effect with the right photos

Social media is visual! The old saying: “A picture says more than a thousand words” is still relevant.

Studies show that the brain perceives visual content 60,000 times faster than it can interpret text. Visual content simply helps catch your customer’s attention and helps them understand the message faster.

3 tips for better photos

1: Crop – crop – crop

Get close to the object/scene so that a messy background doesn’t grab the attention.

Crop the image so that the most important part is in the centre.

Avoid taking photos that need a long, unnecessary explanation.

2: Take photos in good light (daylight)

Your customer must be able to see what it is you want to tell them. So it’s no use if the image is dark and blurry.


Make sure the lighting is good when taking photos.

Dark and blurry images give an unprofessional impression.

3: People buy from people!

Show yourself and build a relationship with your customer. Once they know what you look like, you’ve already broken down the first barrier.

And no, you don’t have to be a photo model – you just have to look like you usually do when there are customers in the store. Accommodating and professional.

Build trust by including yourself in (some) of the photos.

Mood photos are great, but when you appear in the photo you create a relationship with your customer.

Write in a personal style

The way you formulate your text tells something about who you are. If you use a lot of long strange words, you will come across as intellectual and distant. If you write in the same style as you speak and in a lively language, your text will become more personal.

The purpose of the text is to create trust in you/your brand and show that you are an expert in your field. You do this by sharing your knowledge and experience in an interesting and entertaining way that encourages dialogue.

When it comes to content, it’s important to think about your customer. What do they find interesting? What concerns them and how can you address this concern and consequently open up for a sale?

3 tips for better texts

1: Write about the most important aspect (for your customer) first. They may not read your entire text.

“Get 20% off when you buy for min. DKK 20,000.”

Do not write:
“Buy for min. DKK 20,000 and get a 20% discount”

2: Write directly to your customer (you, your) so that the customer feels that you are addressing them.

“You can have your new dream wardrobe designed for free when you visit our store.”

Do not write:
“One can have a new wardrobe designed for free if one comes by the store.”



3: Divide your text into smaller sections so that it is easy to read and thus easier to understand.

Bullet points are a good tool for making your text more visual – see examples on this page.

Make a plan

Planning is your most important weapon against lack of time and resources. There’s rarely enough time, which is why planning and prioritising your online activities is essential if you want to succeed.

The most important thing on social media is continuity. You will not benefit from being very active for a week if you are not present at all afterwards. Perseverance is the key to success, and planning can help you with that.

1: Make a schedule of the days of the week.

2: Decide how many times you want to post something in the course of a week. Remember to be realistic in relation to time and resources.

3: Find 3 to 5 topics to post about. This could be customer cases, interior design tips, smart project details, guides, news from the store or similar. and write it in the plan.

4: Set aside time to make the content so you will have it noted in your calendar and you will be reminded.

5: Get started.

Need more marketing tips?

Contact KA Marketing by e-mail: [email protected]

We are a team of marketing experts who are happy to help you with tips and ideas for your marketing of KA products.

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